
  • Hiring a Motivational Speaker for a Financial-Services Leadership Team: 4 Things to Consider

    Senior executives and business leaders often turn to external talent to help motivate their senior management teams. A motivational speaker can bring a new perspective that commands top managers' attention, but it's important to bring in the right sort of speaker. If you are thinking that you will hire a public speaker for your senior financial-services managers, consider the four following things that will help you choose the right person. The balance between entertainment and message
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  • Should You Fix The Leak Or Replace The Drain?

    When a drain starts to leak or keeps getting clogged, you have a decision to make. Do you limit your work to fixing the leak, or do you go ahead and replace the whole drain assembly? Fortunately, the decision is pretty straightforward once you analyze the two options. Your plumber can help you in determining which of these criteria apply to your situation. How Old Are The Pipes? Perhaps the simplest reason to replace the plumbing in your bathroom is because it is just too old.
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  • 3 Tips On Restoring Your Furniture

    When you need to restore a piece of furniture, you will be able to do so as long as you follow some words of advice. These tips will give you the opportunity to restore the shine, charm and appeal of any type of furniture piece so that it can once again retain value and become a centerpiece of any room in your home. To do this, it will take some understanding and savvy about the process, so read on in order to get the restoration that you need.
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  • Tips To Reduce Data Loss From Laptop Computers During A Move

    If you need to move your office from one building to another, then it is very likely that you will need to pack a great deal of your computers for safe travel. If some of these computers are laptops, then you probably know that the smaller and more delicate computers can be damaged much more easily than desktop varieties. This can leave you without important data and with some substantial costs to replace the electronics.
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  • Tips to Keep Your Vinyl Office Furniture from Degrading

    If you need a great deal of office furniture for waiting areas, lounges, kitchens, and other areas where many employees and clients will gather, then think about purchasing vinyl items. Vinyl furniture pieces are relatively inexpensive when compared to leather items, and the pieces come in many different color and texture options. Vinyl also can be durable, but it can degrade if the furniture is not taken care of properly. To prevent damage, consider the following tips.
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  • Heating Up The New Year With HVAC Trends: How They Will Affect You

    As a homeowner, the replacement and repair of your HVAC system can often seem daunting at times, particularly with regard to various marketplace trends. HVAC trends can both negatively and positively impact homeowners such as yourself. With a couple of new trends heating up the new year, it is important that you understand what those trends are and how they will affect your heating and cooling system. Changes to the SEER Rating
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  • Working As A Social Media Consultant Is A Great Online Home Business Opportunity

    According to Forbes, around 73% of Americans use at least one social media site on a regular basis, and the number has continued growing steady over the years. Because of the popularity of social media sites, many businesses are now incorporating marketing strategies to target consumers through social media. If you are interested in starting an online business, you could become a social media consultant as a person that helps businesses market through social media.
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  • Holidays & Storage: 5 Tips For Organizing Items All Year Long

    Whether it's for your home or business, decorating for the holidays becomes a yearly task. Along with winter holidays like Christmas and New Year's, there are many other holidays throughout the year that you probably have decorations for. Instead of just shoving everything in a storage unit, you should stay as organized as possible. This will help you access items and be ready to decorate with ease. The following five tips make it easy to keep your storage unit organized and effectively accessible for any holidays you choose.
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  • Four Things You Need To Know Before Using A Pressure Washer

    Pressure washing can remove embedded dust, dirt, grime, and opportunistic vegetation such as algae, moss, and lichen. Renting a pressure washer is an excellent way for homeowners to get their home exteriors clean and looking good. However, those inexperienced with using pressure washers may inadvertently cause damage to their homes and its immediate surroundings as well as injury to themselves and others. Following are four things that you need to know before renting a pressure washer for use on your residential property.
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  • Beware Of The Oversized Furnace

    When it comes to buying and installing a new furnace, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is thinking that bigger means better. It's tempting to buy a furnace that's powerful enough to heat your home and then some, but an oversized furnace comes with a lot of drawbacks that outweigh the supposed benefits. The following provides an in-depth explanation of the problems an oversized furnace can cause. You'll also learn exactly why the right size is the best size for your furnace.
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